Everyone can learn to heal


Yoga nidra Facilitator, Death Doula & healing arts practitioner


For those seeking healing, clarity and peace of mind during life’s journey and at the end, through yoga nidra and a variety of healing arts.



Meet Cristin

I’m a deeply compassionate, life-long seeker of knowledge on self-healing.

We all have wounds that we have collected at various stages of life. How they present whether spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or physically is unique to each person. I am here to help you dive deep into uncovering what is needed to heal. I will teach and empower you on how to access your own self-healing ability. I work with any affliction you are struggling with in addition I assist in the healing process of those who are crossing over at the end of life and their loved ones left behind.



free reiki remote healing

Discover the Power of Reiki with Cristin’s Complimentary Remote Reiki Healing Group.


Healing Offerings

Through ancient and modern techniques, Cristin is able to help alleviate the mental, emotional and physical suffering in all stages of life, loss and death.

Healing Resources


NEW ~ Yoga Nidra Inner Blossoms ~ 55 mins


Cristin’s Blog

  • My Yoga Nidra session with Cristin was a tranquil and wonderful healing experience. Her caring demeanor and gentle voice guided me to a beautiful place. In this space I experienced a deep state of relaxation which provided me with an inner calm and stillness. I would highly recommend a healing session with Cristin.

    Anne Marie C.

  • Cristin has the heart, spirit, intention and gift of a true healer. After experiencing a series of traumatic events, I received Reiki, Yoga Nidra and chakra balancing therapy from Cristin and it was very supportive, compassionate, safe and healing. Being a yoga teacher myself, I have experienced several Reiki treatments in the past and felt quite neutral about it. But there is something very special and magical about Cristin’s energy and ability to foster self healing in our bodies, heart, minds and spirits. I highly recommend Cristin for everyone or any age, any challenge of life that needs support healing and love.

    Kristin Quick – Yoga Teacher

  • Cristin wrote and recorded a customized Yoga Nidra meditation for my sister who is currently in late stages of a terminal illness. She listens to it daily and the peace and tranquility that my sister states it gives her has been a gift for us all. Thank you Cristin!

    Mary K.

  • I suffer from chronic pain and the times when I have been in Yoga Nidra sessions with Cristin, I am devoid of pain, she has refrained the meaning of healing for me, it does not mean that the illness goes away, but she has given me the healing tools to learn how to live well with my condition. Her personal guided meditation she wrote and recorded specifically for my chronic pain points is daily medicine for me.

    Marie S.

  • Cristin has helped me look within myself for healing instead of searching outside of myself for answers. I have a new awareness of what is needed for me to heal and she lead me along the path in learning how to uncover that for myself. Forever grateful for her guidance!

    Katy L.

  • Cristin has care and concern for others who are facing End Of Life. Her calm and reassuring prescience has helped to improve the quality of life for those she serves. We are blessed to have her as an End of Life Doula for our patients.

    Vivian Bocala – Cadence Hospice


 Ready to start your healing journey?